Monday, January 22, 2007


But there were
last look
fierce embrace
clinging kiss
no remembered bliss.

TOMORROW's my salvation
but TONIGHT there's only pain
and YESTERDAY's just a dream.

Nothing can bring solace
Not one
Not even you.

For there's only
no more us
bittersweet farce
hearts crushed...
Only now
a new beginning starts.

So let go.

Blue Dreams

When reality meets fantasy
Pain definitely comes along
And dreams become subdued
You turn away from the heartache
Pretending to be okay
Hiding what you feel
For it can't be returned.
Staring at the blue shirt
Hoping it'll give the answers
About the endless dreams
And the insanity of loving.
Puzzling over the same love game
Hearing crappy lines
Staying with someone
You don't actually love...
Or longing for the one in front of you
Wanting to capture his heart
Feeling weird all over
As he share stuff about you
Shows what he knows
Over the years.
Looking away
Afraid of what he'll see in my eyes
For there the truth lies
Beyond the avoidance
Putting up resistance
Coz the waiting has left me cold.
Like the blue shirt on my back door
A gift that's unopened
Words left unspoken
He's a fantasy that will stay
Only in my blue dreams.

Illusions of A Perfect Stranger

No more waves
Nor hellos
Unblinking eyes
Blank faces
When passing by.

Are we strangers?
No shared past
No tears and
Good laughs.

To be strangers
To straighten things
That’s left
For us.

Perfectly strangers
Avoiding the twists
And turns
Despite the passion
That still
Furiously burns.

Gently Weep

Gently weep
Forget the past
Forget the love
That didn't last.

No one's to blame
You're young
Don't be ashamed
Just be calm.

Gently weep
For someone special
Let it rest
What's once eternal.

Everyday to anyone
Changes happen
Feelings go away
All of a sudden.

Gently weep
For what's new
No regrets
For something true.

Grey-Hued Truth

Truth is more than what the eyes can see
Blurred by one's intense emotions
Made complicated by past & present situations
Fueled by what you know
What other people say
And the mystery of the unknown.

Truth is not merely black or white
Neither simple nor complex
A lot of it is gray
And more of in-betweens
Making it so much harder to perceive.

Truth is far from our grasp
It's not what people live up to
Words and actions mostly run the opposite way
Like a wanted criminal
Always in hiding it seems.

Truth is at the bottom of the sea
Covered by nature's treasures beneath
But when it fin'ly reach the surface
You'll hear the language the human heart

Seeing through a person's heart entails trust, wisdom, sincerity and love.
Overcoming the cruelty of life and letting it collide with eternal bliss
Converge your hearts and minds
And discover a small doze of what it's like to be in paradise.

Promise of A Moment

A lazy night
Alone in bed
Caught by surprise
Of what you said.

The mood was light
We talked for long
You said
"She said goodbye"
And you refused to cry.

Struck by fate
Is what I felt.
The curse was broken
Like a mana from heaven.

The shower of rain
That once brought pain
Signaled a beginning
Of a whirlwind feeling.

And so...
Dreams were weaved
From the gift received.

Unknowing that another surprise
Lie awaiting.

It turned out that
the promises made
Only for a moment
they stayed.