Monday, January 29, 2007

"Baby I love you."

Fear. It's the one thing that never fails to catch up on us. When being happy is all we wish to become, but still let fear take away something good and lasting... Then we'd truly botched it. Many times I've seen fear screw over the best love going for most couples I know. For foolish reasons, they let go of the love of their lives for stupid reasons, for pride, for distorted point of views. Sigh. Sometimes I'd like to live their lives for them so I could fix what's broken, which is impossible to do in their eyes. The saddest thing is to eventually settle for second bests when you could have tried harder to catch the best of them all. Good things don't come easily you know.

But I guess we're not wired to be wise most of the time. So we let the only good things we ever knew or had to walk away from us. Luckily for some, good things come not only once but twice or maybe more. And when that happens, hold it and be grateful until it lasts and go its own way again.

Don't ever be afraid to fight for something that you want more than anything in this world. For timing is everything. Holding back or rushing in can destroy your chance of that truly good thing. In these things, erring on the side of being impulsive is better than waiting and not be given a chance to be with the love of your life at all. Regret is never a good thing.

I love you.

I'll tell you that just as soon as I find you.

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