Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"If you truly find love, you find yourself"

I've read this excerpt from Deepak Chopra's book The Path To Love and I can't help but recall how I was recently taught a lesson about humility and respect. I guess I've been engrossed in my own little world at work and the external things that make me happy that I forget that life is not just about me and what I want. That I have to stop and take a closer look at the person I'm becoming. That I need to share more of myself to others especially those who need my compassion, understanding and cooperation.

The fact that I was taking for granted some things in my life brought confusion in me. And only when I finally faced my inner conflicts did it dawn on me that I have to re-examine my core values and how I will allign them to my priorities which will help me choose the path I should take. (Unfinished dwellings last December 19, 2010)

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